Flat, sharpish rectangular course; all portable fences; the start is in a small chute at the start of the back straight; following fences are close together until long run between 4th and 5th; run-in of 170 yards. Well maintained; watering available.
SF: 16 - 18
RH 2 and a three quarter Circuits of course per race
3 mile: 7 Fences - 20 Jumps in race
2 Open Ditches (7/14)
2 mile 4 furlong: 7 Fences - 16 Jumps in race
2 Open Ditches (3/10)

Meetings: enquire here for the latest information about Point-to-Pointing at Tabley, admission prices and Trade Stand availability
Cheshire Forest Hunt- https://tableyraces.co.uk/
Knutsford Races Club - https://www.knutsfordraces.co.uk/